"I want to find out exactly what happened in the past so that this stain is borne by the guilty few and removed from the innocent".

Warren Buffet upon assuming Chairmanship of Salomon's during its "Liar's Poker" and Mozer crisis, Snowball Warren Buffet and the Business of Life, Alice Schroeder, Random, 2008, p. 603

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Boonong Boy (released 24 December 2017)
An essay of recollections and old photographs: Shaun Carney's Press Escape, Melbourne University Press, 2016
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Wakuwal (Dream) (released 21 November 2017)
All Souls Day Speech Notes, Launch of Wakuwal.
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The library versus dance... (released 19 November 2017)
The library vs dance , the modern vs the ancient, the modern vs the organic, weeds vs herbicides, family pests vs pesticides , community mind vs aritifical intelligence, the school vs the wild - in the space between these contests, the most interesting questions for us, at this time in history, arise
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Wakuwal (Dream) (released 15 October 2017)
Paper back copy, Valentine Press, reḻeased Nov 2, (All Souls Day) 2017
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Bilingamu & Gaambi (released 28 September 2017)
A tribute to two North Queensland Aboriginal leaders
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Adani, Native Title and Minority Rights (released 3 July 2017)
For Aboriginal people in Australia rights have been a bitter battleground. For this reason I read with interest and often agree with Marcia Langton and Noel Pearson’s frequent powerful political assaults that show up the hypocrisy of anyone who crusades from some position of political purity, whether green or Labor or bleeding heart. Marcia and Noel are often right but also sometimes off the mark. In her latest piece in the Saturday Paper Marcia Langton implores us, with her usual power and passion, to support the so-called McGlade amendments to the Native Title Act which in effect mean that the power of a democratic majority of a native title group must be endorsed and recognised by a court. If that was the only thing Marcia was arguing for then perhaps we might be able to agree with her but the implications of her arguments go much further.
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Wakuwal (Dream) Audio Download 5 (released 18 June 2017)
Chapter 1 Rakunythinyamirri Wakungul (Deadly Tempest) VII
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Wakuwal (Dream) Audio Download 4 (released 10 May 2017)
Chapter 1 Rakunythinyamirri Wakungul (Deadly Tempest) VII
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Wakuwal (Dream) Audio Download 3 (released 10 May 2017)
Chapter 1 Rakunythinyamirri Wakungul (Deadly Tempest) V-VI
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Wakuwal (Dream) Audio Download 2 (released 7 May 2017)
Chapter 1 Rakunythinyamirri Wakungul (Deadly Tempest) II-V
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