There'll be no epitaphs for Pearl
In copperplate upon a stone
No funeral of State or trace
Of civic honor to remark
Her passing though her feet have trod
The Halls of Justice haunting God
And man and woman child and fool
Who makes the Nation's Law a tool
Of massacre and hate
Injustice, land theft tortured fate
Befall the rightful heirs their sons
Must fall to strychnine and the guns
The last descendants to imprisonment
The will negated, overthrown
The phantom killer called the Crown
By Acts repeals the Right
Of victims of its conquering lusts
And holds the land by might.
Yet in some far off distant land
A Royal Seal a trembling hand
May moved by conscience still repeal
Infamous Acts and heed appeals
Before a Falkland comes
A Cuban Syria Red war drum
Sounds to the thieves 'retreat'
And prophets, patriots standing forth
Shall speak as Pearl did for the worth
Of life and justice for her race
Somewhere somehow to reach the heart
And soul of death's white face.
Kevin Gilbert paying homage to Pearl Gibbs