Working Papers
News feed from Working Papers.en-gbMon, 12 Oct 2009 14:58:02 GMT+10:00Copyright: (C) Working Papers, see for terms and conditions of reuse15Reading Samson and DelilahMany critics are acknowledging Warwick Thornton's Samson and Delilah as Australia?s cinematic masterpiece of all time. The film is so rich that volumes can be written about it. In this Letter from Australia we see the film as emerging from a flukey creative space that has emerged around grass roots community media organisations like CAAMA in Alice Springs and Goolarri in Broome.
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:48:00 GMT+10:00Ian Thorpe - Dirty Little Secret Australia's grim record on health care for Indigenous people is by far the worst of any developed nation. Developed? How can a country be "developed" when it leaves so many of its children behind? Australia has not provided its citizens with an equal opportunity for primary health care, education, housing, employment, let alone recognition and a life of dignity. Ian Thorpe, Beyond Sport Summit, London, July 9
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 09:06:00 GMT+10:00Howard Pederson - The Kimberley: The Vision FlounderedThe Kimberley and the schemes of economic development embarked upon by governments and entrepreneurs have a chequered past ... when history is ignored it is destined to be repeated. Extraordinarily the same thinking that got us into this mess in the first place is now being proposed as the solution
Thu, 09 Jul 2009 07:46:00 GMT+10:00Why can't we talk about things that are important? A Conversation with Professor Mick DodsonA wide-ranging, 40 minute conversation with the 2009 Australian of the Year, Professor Mick Dodson. Mick is giving a formal speech to the National Press Club on February 17. Watch out for it. If this conversation is an indicator it should be a "nation stopper"
Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:28:00 GMT+10:00Indigenous Governance & SovereigntyPaper on Indigenous governance issues.
Sun, 28 May 2006 13:29:00 GMT+10:00