I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn ot in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Up to a certain point, it is necessary for a man to live his life in the world in which he finds himself, and to make the best of it. But beyond that point, he must create a world of his own. And the greatest thing about life is that it is always giving us the opportunity to create something new. It is never too late to start over, to make a fresh beginning, to blaze a new trail.
Life is short, and we have but a brief time in which to explore, to learn, to experience, and to create. Let us make the most of that time, and let us burn brightly, like meteors across the night sky, leaving behind us a trail of light and inspiration for those who come after us.
Jack London

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

The Real Third Way: Associative Democracy & the Challenge to Economic and Political Rationalism (released 26 July 2006)
This 2041 word article was originally published in Social Alternatives 25 February 2004 and was first presented as a guest lecture within the School of Politics at the University of Newcastle, October 20, 2003.
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The Americans Baby (released 25 July 2006)
Iraq seemed to be a plus for Simon Crean. At least in the beginning of his period as leader of the ALP.
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Who do you think you are fooling Mr. Bin Laden? (released 25 July 2006)
Unpublished opinion column on Labor's coast guard policy
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Job Zones and the New Poverty of Australia (released 25 July 2006)
A 14,000 word policy report to combat Australia's divide of jobs and opportunities
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Who is Mr. Flip Flop? (released 21 July 2006)
Howard, Latham, Costello: a comparative study. A version of this article was published in The Australian, 14/02/2004, "Latham's bright idea but Howard's still the boss"
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Howard (released 21 July 2006)
An opinion column on John Howard published in the Australian Financial Review, 5 October, 2005.
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Come Closer Comrade (released 21 July 2006)
An imaginary conversation about a phantom pre-selection. Unpublished opinion column, 2005
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Pathological Organisation (released 21 July 2006)
The dysfunctional organisation and its pathological effects. Extract from a larger work in progress: Age of Abstraction: Perils and Possibilities of our Time
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Passivity (released 19 July 2006)
The passive social state and passive capital are the curses of our age. Extract from a larger work in progress: Age of Abstraction: Perils and Possibilities of our Time
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Our Age (released 19 July 2006)
Abstraction is the characteristic of our age. Extract from a larger work in progress: Age of Abstraction: Perils and Possibilities of our Time.
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