Our struggle is not for today but for a vast future.

Abraham Lincoln

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Warren Mundine: Council for Bold Reforms (released 15 December 2013)
Warren Mundine, Chair of the Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council, predicts bold reforms in the weeks and months ahead.
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Build on the Things that are Working! (released 9 December 2013)
Habitat, the well known South Coast of NSW IEP (Indigenous Employment Provider/Program) has made a powerful submission to the Forrest Inquiry into Indigenous Job Placement and Training.
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Strong Culture, Strong Economy (released 2 December 2013)
“It goes beyond white politics, beyond the Liberal National and Labor Parties, its about our politics, its about our economic future, its about our health and education, and our safe, stable communities and our children that no longer go to juvenile detention centres but become doctors, lawyers and engineers.. its about our companies and businesses that are growing and moving on to the global stage” Warren Mundine outlines his long term strategy for the Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Committee
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Aboriginal Employment 2013: Imperatives and Ideas (released 11 November 2013)
The Forrest Inquiry into Aboriginal Employment is due in December. This paper sets out the challenge.
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On A Clear Day (released 21 October 2013)
Wreck Bay, The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, Looking Forward: A Conversation with Gerry Moore
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Warren Mundine's Mission (released 10 October 2013)
Warren Mundine has risen above the ruck of politics to lay out some ground rules for his tenure as Chairman of the Prime Minister's Indigenous Taskforce. One thing is crystal clear, against those who want to criticise him before he even begins, Warren Mundine will be his own man and he will call the shots as he sees them. He will also not allow the Abbott government to walk away from the many practical challenges facing Indigenous communities.
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Why I am cautiously rejoining the ALP (released 20 September 2013)
Every citizen should be able to walk like a giant on this land.
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The Astonishing Election (released 8 September 2013)
How well did Labor and Kevin Rudd do in the 2013 Australian Commonwealth government election? I am astonished that the Federal Labor Party still has over 50 seats in the Federal Parliament.
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John Morse and Matt Grooby (released 12 August 2013)
Garma Conversations
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Cam Begg (released 12 August 2013)
Garma Conversations
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