..a small ingrown place can take a plan and play with it like a cat does a chipmunk until it dies"

Gail Parker on Bennington College Committees in Nora Ephron, "The Bennington Affair", Esquire, 1976, p. 58

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Selected Twitter/X Posts: September – December 2023 (released 15 January 2024)
The first referendum influenced by social media - a modern day disaster.
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Stranger from Hobart (Reprint from 1999) (released 30 July 2023)
"No, the real reason for our apathy is that the most interesting figures, controversies and shortcomings of Australian Federation have been edited out. Even today, or should I say, even more today, the temptation for historians and politicians is to have god and a triumphalist story of federation and Australian democracy on their side. Heaven help the black arm band historians! It’s important to be on top at the turn of a century, and in the era of the 1990s, the great temptation is to be seen as a ‘winner’ and on the side of democracy, officialdom, the legal fraternity and the big end of town."
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Coorora (released 2 July 2023)
A poem for our times..
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Preying/Praying on Isolation (released 1 June 2023)
The ABC’s “survey” of Woorabinda opinions on “The Voice” was a classic story about the many worlds of Aboriginal life. Congratulations to the reporter Rachel McGhee for the insights and people she interviewed...
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The Invincible Spirit of Australia’s Great Aboriginal Ambassador: Jimmy Little (released 29 April 2023)
Anyone who met or saw Jimmy Little sing was struck by his quiet, loving dignity, his unforgettable voice and stage presence. He represented something more - an invincible spirit - a famous trait of his mother's Yorta Yorta culture.
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Fear Drive My Feet (released 25 April 2023)
Though only a handful of us were gathered at Milingimbi on ANZAC Day, the full reality hits home: more than 30 million soldiers and civilians were killed in the Pacific theater during WWII, compared with 15 million to 20 million killed in Europe.
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Aboriginal voice (released 26 March 2023)
Changing the Australian constitution and deepening democracy
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Albo in San Diego (released 14 March 2023)
AUKUS almost certainly means that Australia will sign and ratify the 2017 UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It is long overdue.
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Don Watson's The Passion of Private White (released 6 February 2023)
Reflections on the must-read book of 2023
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Blackberry Day (released 31 January 2023)
There is nothing like the black of a perfect blackberry. So black it’s a void of black, purple, blue. Stare into it and you might get lost. It seems too much for the eyes. Is there anything else we eat that is so black, so beneficial, so immediately satisfying and delicious? Christ’s crown of thorns was made from blackberry runners, the black juice his blood. Blackberries symbolize spiritual neglect. In neglected areas of land in Australia they will run forever and will quickly take over acres, if you let them.
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