Take him, Lord-this morning-
Wash him with hyssup inside and out,
Hang him up and drain him dry of sin,
Pin his ear on the wisdom post,
And make his words sledge hammers of truth-
Beating on the iron heart of sin.
Lord God, this morning-
Put his eyes to the telescope of eternity,
And let him look upon the walls of time,
Lord, turpentine his imagination,
Put perpetual motion in his arms,
Fill him full of the dynamite of thy power,
Anoint him all over with the oil of thy salvaltion,
And set his tongue on fire.

James Weldon, God's Trombones

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Governing NSW - State Development (released 21 March 2007)
State Development is traditionally one of the important departments of government. Labor’s fightback to retain office was based around rebuilding the state through renewed spending on infrastructure and state economic services.
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Governing NSW - Citizenship (released 21 March 2007)
This, ironically, is just one of those portfolios that peforms some important services, but is underfunded and otherwise is there for political purposes and jingoistic malfeasance.
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Governing NSW - Deputy Premier (released 21 March 2007)
Barry O’Farrell has been a model of stability and credibility for the Liberals. Watkins has been very solid, if overworked, for the government.
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Governing NSW - Premier (released 20 March 2007)
Peter Debnam is a leader who came to power after the tragedy of John Brogden’s personal and political meltdown. Morris Iemma came to power as a virtual unknown Labor machine man. His backers tainted his Premiership. The battle between the two has been uninspiring.
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Governing NSW - Transport (released 20 March 2007)
The crisis in NSW public transport and road infrastructure, made the transport portfolio a hot portfolio with relatively high performance from the major parties. Gladys Berekjiklian in our assessment has just tipped the performance of John Watkins.
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The most accountable parliament in Australia? (released 10 March 2007)
Western Australia has the most accountable parliament in the country. Its hard working parliamentarians were in the chamber for seventy days of the 2006 calendar year. Premier Carpenter take a bow!
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Liblabs - the ultimate swingers (released 7 March 2007)
In the 2003 State and 2004 Federal election roughly 450,766 citizens of the great state of NSW voted for Bob Carr and John Howard.
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Fundamentals (released 3 March 2007)
In a bad week for Kevin Rudd its time to return to the fundamentals of winning Federal elections.
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State & Territory Taxing and Borrowing 2006-7 (released 8 February 2007)
This short brief shows the extent to which States and Territories tax or borrow on behalf of their citizenry in 2006/7.
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Australian Prospect Subscription (released 5 February 2007)
Subscription to Australian Prospect
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