I don't leave the gym until I have made one hundred 3s

Stephen Currry

Latest Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Statement of Apology (Draft Thinking) (released 12 February 2008)
Issued two days before Prime Minister Rudd's Apology, this was the wish list: public acknowledgement of the eugenic thinking behind the removal of Aboriginal children, a full and comprehensive compensation strategy. It caused quite a stir among sections of the media when it was cheekily released as a first draft recovered from the Executive Wing shredder!
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Public Value: The New Agenda for Smaller Government (released 1 February 2008)
(or how to find $1.7 billion in Commonwealth Public Sector savings!) 10,550 words
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No More Shadowing John Howard (released 12 January 2008)
Wake up Kevin, Julia and Wayne you are now running the country!
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Punter & the Next President of the United States (released 10 January 2008)
Hillary Clinton, Ricky Ponting are both on a search for the First Class Temperament of our times. An impossible search? When they find it, their futures' will be assured!?
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Strength through Enterprise, Work & Training (released 18 December 2007)
Report of the Ngarda Heavy Plant Operator Training (HPOT) Strategy which took 19 Indigenous men and women from unemployment to high paid, high quality work in the Australian Mining Industry. "COAG bureaucrats and politicians need to read this or quit", Barry Taylor, Executive Chairman, Ngarda Civil & Mining. "I also want to recommend it to my hard working colleagues in the Australian Mining Industry". 72 pages, 20,000 words
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Ngarda Heavy Plant Operator Training Newsletter 4 (released 10 December 2007)
Ngarda Civil & Mining's Heavy Plant Operator Training (Oct 15-Dec 7) took Indigenous people who were unemployed into high quality employment in the mining industry. Of the 20 who started 19 were offered jobs. With editorials by Executive Chairman Barry Taylor the newsletters tell the story. A major final report is due soon.
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Ngarda Heavy Plant Operator Training Newsletter 3 (released 10 December 2007)
Ngarda Civil & Mining's Heavy Plant Operator Training (Oct 15-Dec 7) took Indigenous people who were unemployed into high quality employment in the mining industry. Of the 20 who started 19 were offered jobs. With editorials by Executive Chairman Barry Taylor the newsletters tell the story. A major final report is due soon.
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Ngarda Heavy Plant Operator Training Newsletter 2 (released 10 December 2007)
Ngarda Civil & Mining's Heavy Plant Operator Training (Oct 15-Dec 7) took Indigenous people who were unemployed into high quality employment in the mining industry. Of the 20 who started 19 were offered jobs. With editorials by Executive Chairman Barry Taylor the newsletters tell the story. A major final report is due soon.
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Ngarda Heavy Plant Operator Training Newsletter 1 (released 10 December 2007)
Ngarda Civil & Mining's Heavy Plant Operator Training (Oct 15-Dec 7) took Indigenous people who were unemployed into high quality employment in the mining industry. Of the 20 who started 19 were offered jobs. With editorials by Executive Chairman Barry Taylor the newsletters tell the story. A major final report is due soon.
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Forget Howard: Recognise Australia's Mandela (released 12 October 2007)
Patrick Dodson ranks amongst the greatest of Australian men. For eleven long years his extraordinary presence and capacity have been lost to the nation. With the prospect of Kevin Rudd or Peter Costello as Prime Minister we have the prospect of this great figure returning to national service. The question for the nation and for Dodson is: how best can his destiny to be one of our greatest Australian leaders be fulfilled?
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