Working Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

Interview with Kevin Rudd: The Politician as entrepreneur (released 5 December 2006)
In this interview published in February of this year Kevin Rudd revealed something of his conception of politics
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Now is not the Time (released 1 December 2006)
Kevin Rudd has an enormous role to play in ensuring that Labor wins the next election. He will be the next leader after Beazley, but now is not the time for a leadership change.
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Fine Lines - Words and Ideas that Mark our Times - Volume One: Legend of the 1980s and 1990s (released 30 November 2006)
The best words and ideas of the Hawke-Keating era. Illustrated by Kerrie Leishman. 222 pages.
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Lynching by Media (released 6 November 2006)
The News Diary of Sheik Taj al-din al-Hilali 26 October – 4 November 2006 A 25,458 word survey of the media frenzy that followed the reporting of al-Hilali's Ramadan sermon.
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Reading the Murdoch Press (released 11 October 2006)
word historical and contemporary analysis focusing on The Australian newspaper. Amongst other things it pulls together much of the writing on Murdoch over the years and comes up with new theories about what drives the man. It also surveys 510 articles on terrorism published in The Australian over the past few months, as well as 182 editorials and over 500 individual articles contributed by Paul Kelly, Greg Sheridan, Janet Albrechtson, Matt Price, Christopher Pearson and others.
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Towers (released 9 September 2006)
A Tribute to NYC on the fifth anniversary of the attack on the world trade centre plus audio file.
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A Concise Chronology of Recent Political Events (released 5 September 2006)
Extract from Kim's Dynasty: The Coming Federal Labor Government
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Dissension (released 4 September 2006)
An Extract from Kim's Dynasty: The Coming Federal Labor Government plus audio file
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Indigenous Values & Entrepreneurship (released 1 August 2006)
How can the values of individual entrepreneurship and traditional culture be reconciled? Inspiration from the life of Chief James Sewid 1913-1988
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Labor's New Generation? (released 1 August 2006)
A policy agenda against which to measure the new generation
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