Working Papers

The working papers collection comprises historical papers as well as current ideas and works in progress on some of the major issues and topics of our times.

The most accountable parliament in Australia? (released 10 March 2007)
Western Australia has the most accountable parliament in the country. Its hard working parliamentarians were in the chamber for seventy days of the 2006 calendar year. Premier Carpenter take a bow!
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Liblabs - the ultimate swingers (released 7 March 2007)
In the 2003 State and 2004 Federal election roughly 450,766 citizens of the great state of NSW voted for Bob Carr and John Howard.
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Fundamentals (released 3 March 2007)
In a bad week for Kevin Rudd its time to return to the fundamentals of winning Federal elections.
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State & Territory Taxing and Borrowing 2006-7 (released 8 February 2007)
This short brief shows the extent to which States and Territories tax or borrow on behalf of their citizenry in 2006/7.
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Australian Prospect Subscription (released 5 February 2007)
Subscription to Australian Prospect
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Australian Prospect - Single Paper Purchase (released 5 February 2007)
Purchase a single Australian Prospect article.
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Pincers of the Scorpion - The Game Changes for Kevin Rudd (released 29 January 2007)
A graph of opinion polls over the past twelve months now looks disconcertingly like a scorpion with pincers raised. The Liberal National Party’s numbers have bottomed, Labor’s are moving down from a high. As the nation comes back to work, Howard seems back on track.
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Media Complimentary Copy (released 13 December 2006)
Complimentary copy of Fine Lines
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Mr Brown I presume... (released 7 December 2006)
Chancellor Gordon Brown's pre-budget review puts his stamp on British Labor, makes him a shoe-in as the next British PM and has echoes of Kevin Rudd's new policies.
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Memorandum to a New Leader: Substance, Capability, Unity (released 5 December 2006)
This vote was unique. It shows that you command support from all
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