The Voice

As Mick Gooda has said: "The conversation changes when we are in the room and that’s the same as the national voice to parliament – it will change the conversation because we’re there".
In early 2022 let us hope that legislation will be introduced into the Commonwealth parliament to ensure that a national Aboriginal voice with regional representation is set in concrete. The vast majority of Australians support an Indigenous Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament. It is strategic and important that the Morrison Coalition government locks in this important development before the next election.
Much depends on the far seeing eyes of Ken Wyatt and his ability to convince the Prime MInister that an Indigenous Voice to Parliament is a priority even midst the pandemic and all of its challenges. We wish Ken luck this Christmas and for the New Year. He carries our hopes.
Image: Declan Moore's Portrait of Ken Wyatt, thanks to the artist for permission to use the image here, all rights reserved.