This month in Australia - Weather & Seasons - March 2008

An alternative 'podcast' summary of events and news from Australia for the months of February and March 2008. Featuring the music and songs of Andrew Baylor, Slim Dusty, Rochelle Watson, the Pigram Brothers, Paul Kelly, Mervyn Mullardy, the Warumpi Band. This month's podcast includes: Part One - Weather and Seasons, Part Two - Howard and Rudd, Benevolent Murder, Part Three - Revenge and Football. Just double click the links!

The hour long commentary is saved in three parts for quick and easy listening, just double click on one of the links below:

Download and listen to one of the free files or purchase the transcript. For a better quality recording, or for those in rural and regional areas without access to high speed internet, or for those who want the complete commentary on one file, send a blank CDR disk and a stamp addressed bubble rap CD envelope to The Editor, Working Papers, PO Box 29, Barrengarry, 2577 and allow a week for a turn around delivery.

The loose manifesto of the bi-monthly podcast is to:

1) To use the internet as creatively as possible to generate alternative ideas and critical perspectives;

2) Draw attention to high quality Australian music that is often ignored or not played by mainstream, formulaic radio outlets;

3) Continually serve it up to Australia's monopoly, mainstream news outlets, especially the Murdoch press;

4) Try to maintain an ordinary citizen's eye-view of current news and events and what is important;

5) Take a regional, remote and rural eye-view of current news and events;

6) Speak to the international and expatriate audience about Australian issues;

7). Never sit on the fence!

Featured Music

Andrew Baylor, “Strange Land” , The Bush is Full of Ghosts 1993-1996,

Andrew Baylor, “The Bush is Full of Ghosts”, The Bush is Full of Ghosts 1993-1996,

Slim Dusty and Anne Kirkpatrick, “High, Dry & Homeless”, One Night in May,

Mervyn Mulardy, “Markalla”, Yatangal, 2002. Yatangal is a little known but brilliant CD which can be ordered through Goolari Media Enterprises, or write to Goolarri, PO Box 2708,Broome, WA, 6725

Stephen Pigram, Alan Pigram, Colin Pigram, David Pigram, Phillip Pigram, Gavin Pigram and Peter Pigam are the Pigram Brothers. Capricorn Rain, is from their album Under the Mango Tree available from write to PO Box 1012, Broome, Western Australia, 6725

Rochelle Watson, Black To Reality, Junga Vonu Productions, PO Box 3128, Yeronga, Brisbane, Qld, 4104

Warumpi Band, “Secret War”, Go Bush, Festival Records, 1987

Paul Kelly, “I’ll forgive but I won’t forget”, Deeper Water, 1995,,

Paul Kelly, “Leaps and Bounds”, Gossip, 1986,

Because of our relatively small "market" and population Remember to support Australian culture by buying the CDs of these great Australian performers. If your music seller tells you their CDs are not in stock, tell them they’re crazy and they should be! Remember also you will hear brilliant high quality recordings from authentic CDs and recordings so you will be supporting yourself as well as Australian culture by buying them!! And this applies double to Australian expatriates and international friends.
