Malcom Turnbull and Noel Pearson

Malcolm Turnbull needs to bring Noel Pearson to Canberra as a conservative to not only revive the quality and substance of the Coalition, but to improve the fabric of the whole National Parliament.

There is one thing that current opinion polls will not tell you and that is that both sides of parliament need a profound shake up. When politics leaves you feeling sick in your stomach, bored out of your mind – the idea of new hope and blood is overwhelmingly appealing. The most admired potential future Prime Minister of Australia is almost certainly Noel Pearson. If Malcolm Turnbull has any sense he will now use whatever power he has as Federal Coalition leader to bring Noel Pearson into the parliament as a conservative.

A lot has been written about Malcolm Turnbull’s failure of judgement in relation to the fake email apparently concocted by Liberal stooges within the Federal Treasury. Turnbull needs the opprobrium. The impression of the general public is that Turnbull was involved up to his eyebrows in dishonesty. The minimal tarnish against Turnbull is that he was, as the government have suggested, narrowly opportunistic in the pursuit of political advantage. However it is way too soon to write Turnbull off. The majority of the national media have used the current opinion polls to argue that Turnbull is on the way out as Federal Leader of the Liberal National Party ...
